List of statistics (VC)

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This is a list of statistics in Vice City. Their appearance and order are directly based on block 19 of the save file. Stats not saved in that block or anywhere in the save file are ordered based on their appearance in the game menu. Through the script, many stats can be changed though opcodes targeting specific stats but almost all stats can be changed using special techniques through opcodes 042E (REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME) and 042F (REGISTER_HIGHEST_SCORE). All values of type integer are four bytes in size unless noted. The list is verified on v1.0 of the PC version but, excluding the memory address column, the list should be the same for all versions of the game. Any stats that appear in the menu can be exported into the stats.html/txt files in the User Files directory by pressing the S key while in the stats menu.

in save
Type Memory address Variable name Related opcode Description Appearance
in menu
GXT key Notes
0 int 0x978794 PeopleKilledByPlayer - people wasted by player 7 PE_WAST does not display in French and German languages
1 int 0x9753AC PeopleKilledByOthers - people wasted by others 8 PE_WSOT does not display in French and German languages
2 int 0xA0D388 CarsExploded - road vehicles destroyed 9 CAR_EXP
3 int 0x974B04 BoatsExploded - boats destroyed 10 BOA_EXP
4 int 0x94DB58 TyresPopped - tires popped with gunfire 12 TYREPOP
5 int 0x97532C RoundsFiredByPlayer - bullets fired 23 BUL_FIR
6 int 0x94DB64 PedsKilledOfThisType - peds of ped type PLAYER1 wasted - -
7 int 0x94DB68 - peds of ped type PLAYER2 wasted - -
8 int 0x94DB6C - peds of ped type PLAYER3 wasted - -
9 int 0x94DB70 - peds of ped type PLAYER4 wasted - -
10 int 0x94DB74 - peds of ped type CIVMALE wasted - -
11 int 0x94DB78 - peds of ped type CIVFEMALE wasted - -
12 int 0x94DB7C - peds of ped type COP wasted - -
13 int 0x94DB80 - peds of ped type GANG1 wasted 20 GNG_WST displays the aggregate of all gang members wasted by player
14 int 0x94DB84 - peds of ped type GANG2 wasted
15 int 0x94DB88 - peds of ped type GANG3 wasted
16 int 0x94DB8C - peds of ped type GANG4 wasted
17 int 0x94DB90 - peds of ped type GANG5 wasted
18 int 0x94DB94 - peds of ped type GANG6 wasted
19 int 0x94DB98 - peds of ped type GANG7 wasted
20 int 0x94DB9C - peds of ped type GANG8 wasted
21 int 0x94DBA0 - peds of ped type GANG9 wasted
22 int 0x94DBA4 - peds of ped type EMERGENCY wasted - -
23 int 0x94DBA8 - peds of ped type FIREMAN wasted - -
24 int 0x94DBAC - peds of ped type CRIMINAL wasted 21 DED_CRI
25 int 0x94DBB0 - peds of ped type SPECIAL wasted - -
26 int 0x94DBB4 - peds of ped type PROSTITUTE wasted - -
27 int 0x94DBB8 - peds of special ped type 21 wasted - -
28 int 0x94DBBC - peds of special ped type 22 wasted - -
29 int 0x9751F0 HelisDestroyed - planes and helicopters destroyed 11 HEL_DST
30 flt 0x9B6CDC ProgressMade PLAYER_MADE_PROGRESS current progress 0 PER_COM displays the ratio of current progress to total progress as a percentage, calculated the same way as 058C including language differences
31 flt 0x974B0C TotalProgressInGame SET_PROGRESS_TOTAL total progress
32 int 0x9787A8 KgsOfExplosivesUsed - kilograms of explosives used 22 KGS_EXP
33 int 0x9B6CD4 BulletsThatHit - bullets that hit 24 BUL_HIT
34 int 0x9B6E38 HeadsPopped - number of headshots 17 ST_HEAD
35 int 0x9B5EB8 WantedStarsAttained - total number of wanted stars attained 13 ST_STAR
36 int 0x9B5F30 WantedStarsEvaded - total number of wanted stars evaded 14 ST_STGN
37 int 0x975330 TimesArrested - times busted 15 TM_BUST
38 int 0x975320 TimesDied - hospital visits 16 TM_DED
39 int 0x97F1F4 DaysPassed - days passed in game 3 DAYSPS
40 int 0xA0D228 SafeHouseVisits - safehouse visits 4 NUMSHV
41 int 0xA0FC94 Sprayings - sprayings 99 SPRAYIN
42 flt 0x97F210 MaximumJumpDistance REGISTER_JUMP_DISTANCE max insane jump distance (meters) 33 MXCARDM
43 flt 0xA0CFD8 MaximumJumpHeight REGISTER_JUMP_HEIGHT max insane jump height (meters) 34 MXCARJM
44 int 0x9787DC MaximumJumpFlips REGISTER_JUMP_FLIPS max insane jump flips 35 MXFLIP
45 int 0x978D14 MaximumJumpSpins REGISTER_JUMP_SPINS max insane jump rotation 37 MXJUMP displays in degrees
46 int 0x974B30 BestStuntJump REGISTER_JUMP_STUNT best insane stunt so far 38 BSTSTU
Value GXT key Display
0 NOSTUC no insane stunts completed
1 INSTUN insane stunt
2 PRINST perfect insane stunt
3 DBINST double insane stunt
4 DBPINS perfect double insane stunt
5 TRINST triple insane stunt
6 PRTRST perfect triple insane stunt
7 QUINST quadruple insane stunt
8 PQUINS perfect quadruple insane stunt
47 int 0x974B48 NumberOfUniqueJumpsFound REGISTER_UNIQUE_JUMP_FOUND unique jumps completed 36 NOUNIF displays as unique jumps completed out of total unique jumps
48 int 0x978530 TotalNumberOfUniqueJumps SET_UNIQUE_JUMPS_TOTAL total unique jumps
49 int 0xA1023C MissionsGiven REGISTER_MISSION_GIVEN mission attempts 1 NMISON
50 int 0xA0D1DC PassengersDroppedOffWithTaxi REGISTER_PASSENGER_DROPPED_OFF_TAXI passengers dropped off 48 PASDRO
51 int 0xA0D9C8 MoneyMadeWithTaxi REGISTER_MONEY_MADE_TAXI cash made in taxi 49 MONTAX displays as cash
52 int 0x9751F4 IndustrialPassed - - - - unused, left over from GTA III
53 int 0x9B489C CommercialPassed - - - - unused, left over from GTA III
54 int 0x978A0C SuburbanPassed - - - - unused, left over from GTA III
55 int 0x97F348 PamphletMissionPassed ADD_PORN_LEAFLET_TO_RUBBISH porn leaflet rubbish visibility - -
56 int 0xA0FCAC NoMoreHurricanes SET_ALLOW_HURRICANES allows hurricane weather - -
57 flt 0xA0D9B4 DistanceTravelledOnFoot - distance traveled on foot 26 FEST_DF
in miles
in meters
58 flt 0xA0FCFC DistanceTravelledByCar - distance traveled by car 27 FEST_DC
in miles
in meters
59 flt 0xA0D2D8 DistanceTravelledByBike - distance traveled by bike 28 DISTBIK
in miles
in meters
60 flt 0xA0D384 DistanceTravelledByBoat - distance traveled by boat 29 DISTBOA
in miles
in meters
61 flt 0x974C04 DistanceTravelledByGolfCart - distance traveled by golf cart 30 DISTGOL
in miles
in meters
62 flt 0x9B6A48 DistanceTravelledByHelicoptor - distance traveled by helicopter 31 DISTHEL
in miles
in meters
63 flt 0x9B6A78 DistanceTravelledByPlane - distance traveled by plane - - does not display in menu and does not get included in total distance calculation
64 int 0x9B5EA8 LivesSavedWithAmbulance REGISTER_LIFE_SAVED people saved in an ambulance 50 FEST_LS
65 int 0x9787B4 CriminalsCaught REGISTER_CRIMINAL_CAUGHT criminals killed on vigilante mission 46 FEST_CC
66 int 0x9B6A84 FiresExtinguished REGISTER_FIRE_EXTINGUISHED total fires extinguished 52 FEST_FE
67 int 0x94DD60 HighestLevelVigilanteMission REGISTER_VIGILANTE_LEVEL highest vigilante mission level 47 FEST_HV
68 int 0x978DB8 HighestLevelAmbulanceMission REGISTER_AMBULANCE_LEVEL highest paramedic mission level 51 FEST_HA
69 int 0x975310 HighestLevelFireMission REGISTER_FIRE_LEVEL fire truck mission level 53 FIRELVL
70 int 0x97F21C PhotosTaken - photographs taken 57 ST_PHOT stat is affected by taking a picture using a camera, does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
71 int 0x974C08 NumberKillFrenziesPassed - rampages passed 5 FEST_RP displays as rampages passed out of total number of rampages
72 int 0x974C0C TotalNumberKillFrenzies SET_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_KILL_FRENZIES total number of rampages, does not display in French and German languages
73 int 0x974BF0 TotalNumberMissions SET_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_MISSIONS total number of missions - - does not get used anywhere
74 int 0x97854C FlightTime - flight hours 91 ST_FTIM stores in milliseconds, displays as H:MM
75 int 0x9B48B4 TimesDrowned - fishes fed (number of times drowned) 95 ST_DRWN
76 int 0x97869C SeagullsKilled - seagulls sniped 96 SEAGULL does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
77 flt 0xA0FDCC WeaponBudget ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_WEAPONS weapon budget 100 ST_WEAP displays as cash
78 flt 0xA0D068 FashionBudget ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_CLOTHES fashion budget 101 ST_FASH displays as cash
79 flt 0x974C28 LoanSharks - visits from loan sharks 45 ST_LOAN does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
80 flt 0x97F898 StoresKnockedOff ADD_STORES_KNOCKED_OFF stores knocked off 54 ST_STOR displays value out of 15
81 flt 0xA0FC8C MovieStunts - movie stunts 55 ST_MOVI does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, displays value out of 0
82 flt 0xA10918 Assassinations ADD_NUMBER_OF_ASSASSINATIONS assassination contracts completed 56 ST_ASSI displays value out of 5
83 flt 0x978780 PizzasDelivered ADD_PIZZAS_DELIVERED pizzas delivered 58 ST_PIZZ does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
84 flt 0x974C00 GarbagePickups - garbage pickups made 59 ST_GARB does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
85 flt 0x975390 IceCreamSold ADD_ICE_CREAMS_SOLD 'ice cream' sold 60 ST_ICEC does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
86 flt 0xA0D8A4 TopShootingRangeScore - top shooting range score 89 TOP_SHO does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
87 flt 0x974B08 ShootingRank - shooting range rank 90 SHO_RAN does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
88 int 0x97530C LongestWheelie - longest wheelie time 39 ST_WHEE in seconds
89 int 0x974B3C LongestStoppie - longest stoppie time 41 ST_STOP in seconds
90 int 0xA0FCF8 Longest2Wheel - longest two wheels time 43 ST_2WHE in seconds
91 flt 0x9786C0 LongestWheelieDist - longest wheelie distance 40 ST_WHED in meters
92 flt 0x9B5F44 LongestStoppieDist - longest stoppie distance 42 ST_STOD in meters
93 flt 0x9B48D0 Longest2WheelDist - longest two wheels distance 44 ST_2WHD in meters
94 flt 0x9B48B0 PropertyBudget ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_PROPERTY property budget 102 ST_PROP displays as cash
95 flt 0xA10298 AutoPaintingBudget - auto repair and painting budget 103 ST_AUTO displays as cash, stat is affected by using spray shops
96 int 0x975404 PropertyDestroyed - property destroyed 104 ST_DAMA displays as cash, stat is affected by environmental destruction
97 int 0x978E08 NumPropertyOwned SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED number of properties owned 105 PROPOWN
98 int 0x9B6E54 BloodRingKills ADD_BLOOD_RING_KILLS number of bloodring kills 93 ST_BRK does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
99 int 0xA0D2E0 BloodRingTime SET_LONGEST_TIME_IN_BLOOD_RING longest time in bloodring 94 ST_LTBR in seconds, does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
100 int 0xA10AFD PropertyOwned SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED The Malibu owned 106 STPR_1 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
101 int 0xA10AFE SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Print Works owned 107 STPR_2 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
102 int 0xA10AFF SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Film Studio owned 108 STPR_3 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
103 int 0xA10B00 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Ice Cream Factory owned 109 STPR_4 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
104 int 0xA10B01 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Car Showroom owned 110 STPR_5 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
105 int 0xA10B02 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Taxi Company owned 111 STPR_6 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
106 int 0xA10B03 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Boatyard owned 112 STPR_7 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
107 int 0xA10B04 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Pole Position Club owned 113 STPR_8 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
108 int 0xA10B05 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED 3321 Vice Point owned 114 STPR_9 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
109 int 0xA10B06 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Links View Apartment owned 115 STPR_10 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
110 int 0xA10B07 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED El Swanko Casa owned 116 STPR_11 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
111 int 0xA10B08 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED 1102 Washington Street owned 117 STPR_12 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
112 int 0xA10B09 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Ocean Heights Apartment owned 118 STPR_13 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
113 int 0xA10B0A SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Skumole Shack owned 119 STPR_14 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
114 int 0xA10B0B SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED Hyman Condo owned 120 STPR_15 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0, 1 byte in size
115 flt 0x978E0C HighestChaseValue - highest media attention 121 CHASE
116 int 0x974B80 FastestTimes REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Alloy Wheels Of Steel' 62 STFT_01 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
117 int 0x974B84 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'The Driver' 63 STFT_02 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
118 int 0x974B88 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time in Dirt Ring 64 STFT_03 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
119 int 0x974B8C REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on RC Plane Race 65 STFT_04 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
120 int 0x974B90 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on RC Car Race 66 STFT_05 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
121 int 0x974B94 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on RC helicopter Pickup 67 STFT_06 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
122 int 0x974B98 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Terminal Velocity' 68 STFT_07 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
123 int 0x974B9C REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Ocean Drive' 69 STFT_08 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
124 int 0x974BA0 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Border Run' 70 STFT_09 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
125 int 0x974BA4 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Capital Cruise' 71 STFT_10 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
126 int 0x974BA8 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Tour!' 72 STFT_11 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
127 int 0x974BAC REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'V.C. Endurance' 73 STFT_12 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
128 int 0x974BB0 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on Downtown Chopper Checkpoint 74 STFT_13 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
129 int 0x974BB4 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint 75 STFT_14 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
130 int 0x974BB8 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint 76 STFT_15 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
131 int 0x974BBC REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint 77 STFT_16 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
132 int 0x974BC0 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'PCJ Playground' 78 STFT_17 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
133 int 0x974BC4 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Trial By Dirt' 79 STFT_18 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
134 int 0x974BC8 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time on 'Test Track' 80 STFT_19 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
135 int 0x974BCC REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time for 'Cone Crazy' 81 STFT_20 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
136 int 0x974BD0 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time in Hotring 87 STFT_21 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
137 int 0x974BD4 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest lap time in Hotring 88 STFT_22 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
138 int 0x974BD8 REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME fastest time for Checkpoint Charlie 82 STFT_23 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
139 int 0x9B6E20 HighestScores REGISTER_HIGHEST_SCORE highest score for Shooter 83 STHC_01 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
140 int 0x9B6E24 REGISTER_HIGHEST_SCORE best percentage of hits for Shooter 61 STHC_02 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
141 int 0x9B6E28 REGISTER_HIGHEST_SCORE number of drug deals made 85 STHC_03 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
142 int 0x9B6E2C REGISTER_HIGHEST_SCORE highest score with Keepie-Uppy beach ball 84 STHC_04 does not display in menu unless value is greater than 0
143 int 0x9B6E30 REGISTER_HIGHEST_SCORE - - - unused
144 int 0xA0FD80 BestPositions REGISTER_BEST_POSITION hotring best result 86 STHC_05 initalizes to 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF), does not display in menu unless value is not equal to it
145 int 0x97F2E8 KillsSinceLastCheckpoint - peds killed recently - - certain events reset value to 0 and then adds to total peds killed
146 int 0x9B6AB0 TotalLegitimateKills - total peds killed - - accumulation of peds killed recently
147 char[8] 0x7E9D78 LastMissionPassedName REGISTER_MISSION_PASSED last mission passed GXT key - -
148 int 0x9B5F8C CheatedCount - cheat rating - -
149 flt 0x862460 FavoriteRadioStationList - listening time on Wildstyle - - in milliseconds
150 flt 0x862464 - listening time on Flash FM - - in milliseconds
151 flt 0x862468 - listening time on KChat - - in milliseconds
152 flt 0x86246C - listening time on Fever 105 - - in milliseconds
153 flt 0x862470 - listening time on Vrock - - in milliseconds
154 flt 0x862474 - listening time on VCPR - - in milliseconds
155 flt 0x862478 - listening time on Espantoso - - in milliseconds
156 flt 0x86247C - listening time on Emotion 98.3 - - in milliseconds
157 flt 0x862480 - listening time on Wave 103 - - in milliseconds
158 flt 0x862484 - listening time on MP3 Player - - in milliseconds
- int 0xA0D224 MissionsPassed - - - - meant to store the number of missions passed and is affected by 0318 and 0595 but the value never gets saved
- - - - playing time 2 ST_TIME calculated from time in milliseconds, displays as H:MM
- int 0x94ADD0 CREATE_COLLECTABLE1 hidden packages found 6 PERPIC displays as ratio of hidden packages found to total number of packages, displays value out of 100
- int 0x94ADD4 CREATE_COLLECTABLE1 total number of packages
- - - - daily police spending 18 DAYPLC displays as cash; formula is ((x & 255) + 80) * 255.44, where x is the playing time in milliseconds when you open the stats menu and at least one game day has passed
- - - - least favorite gang 19 ST_GANG displays gang names, does not display in menu until at least one gang member is killed
- - - - accuracy 25 ACCURA displays the ratio of bullets fired to bullets that hit as a percentage
- - - - total distance traveled 32 TOT_DIS
displays the aggregate of the distances traveled on foot, by car, boat, golf cart, bike, and helicopter
- - - - pilot ranking 92 ST_
string itself does not appear until after 1 hour of flight, pilot rankings appear after 5 minutes of flight
- - - - most favorite radio station 97 FST_MFR displays radio station with largest value of listening time, does not display in menu unless value for at least one station is greater than 0
- - - - least favorite radio station 98 FST_LFR displays radio station with smallest value of listening time, does not display in menu unless most favorite radio station is displayed


^ GTA Net GTAForums: List of pilot rankings

See also