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Gets the player's maximum armour
0945: get_player [player handle] max_armour_to [var]
[player handle]
The handle of the player
Variable to store the integer value

For Vice City

This opcode does not exist in Vice City but it is possible to get the player's max armour. The following example, using Sanny Builder with CLEO for Vice City in an external script (not the main one), and tested on US v1.0, should work similarly to this opcode. Place this at the end of the file:

// 0@ - input param (player handle)
0@ *= 0x170  // size of each player info struct
0@ += 0x94AD28  // base address for player info
0@ += 0x144  // get max armour offset
05E0: 0@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
05F6: ret 1 0@

Use this line as a substitute for opcode 0945. This can be placed anywhere within the external script:

05F5: call_scm_func @opcode_0945 inputs 1 player_handle [player handle] store_to [var]


get, store, player, max, maximum, armor, armour