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Vice City San Andreas FIRE_HUNTER_GUN

Fires a vehicle-mounted gun
0541: fire_guns_on_vehicle [car handle]
[car handle]
The handle of the vehicle

This opcode is normally used to fire the guns on the Hunter and Sea Sparrow but the opcode can be used on any vehicles. All vehicles have a vehicle-mounted gun but the gun is situated too low for any practical use on land vehicles. It is much more useful on airborne vehicles. The gun can do damage and can alert the police. The opcode doesn't control vehicle-mounted rockets.

Using the opcode once will fire one bullet. It has to be in a loop in order to fire constantly. In Vice City, if used on vehicles other than the Hunter or Sea Sparrow, the bullet will only travel parallel to the horizon. It will not autoaim or tilt with your vehicle. In San Andreas, it will fire like a Hunter but the firing sound will not go away until the vehicle is gone.


fire, shoot, vehicle, gun